Essentials of Criminal Investigation

“Hands-on” learning approach to develop the skill set necessary for successful investigations.

Investigative Analysis and Crime Scene Reconstruction

“To gain explicit knowledge of the series  of events that surround the commission of a crime using deductive and inductive reasoning, physical evidence, scientific methods, and their interrelationships.”

Shooting Incident Reconstruction

Using scientific methods and reasoning to determine the sequence of actions that occurred during a shooting incident.

Shooting Incident Documentation

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

“Violent crimes can result in bloodshed. When liquid blood is acted upon by physical forces, bloodstains and bloodstain patterns may be deposited on various surfaces, including the clothing of the individuals present at the crime scene. The bloodstain patterns can yield valuable information concerning the events which lead to their creation when examined by a qualified analyst. The information gained can then be used for the reconstruction of the incident and the evaluation of the statements of the witnesses and the crime participants.”

Death Investigation

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”  Arthur Conan Doyle

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